I thought Elektra like Oedipul complex ends at age 7 sometimes 5. Is this website suggesting it never ends for women? The amount of stereotyping by these men is incredible.
I thought Elektra like Oedipul complex ends at age 7 sometimes 5. Is this website suggesting it never ends for women? The amount of stereotyping by these men is incredible.
And if you can put up a sign. I often do.
Don Lemon is a joke and I would have fired him for the most idiotic, insensitive question ever when he asked if one of the missing Malaysian planes went into a black hole. Its insensitive since it gives family members false hope and idiotic, seriously thats a given.
Justice Roberts is ultimately probusiness and knows this. I think he also cares about the legacy of the court. He will save the insurance company and the republican party from themselves. I still think it will be a six to three rulings. I would not be shocked if they let busnesses off the hook from mandatory covering…
Yup. I would give you a zillion stars if I could.
Worse some still have that hair style.
Love Boat theme one of a few tv show theme songs I know by heart. Gilligan’s Island and Beverly Hillbillies the other.. I loved Love Boat so corny but fun.
I wrote my thoughts on what she did over on groupthink.jezebel.com http://groupthink.kinja.com/unpopular-opin…
My initial response to what the Post Office did was “God thats lazy”
How is this a fun Easter fact? Its like being surprised Gone With The Wind is about the American Civil War and its aftermath from the southern perpsective.
If UFOs are real and been observing us I cannot but wonder if by now they are thinking “you know maybe a galactic highway through Earth is not that bad of an idea”.
I liked this sketch this character is far better then her Jewish boy character and her poetry teacher character.
I miss the days of weekday network morning game shows. In the 80s Alex Trebek for NBC cid a morning game show called Concentration. I actually liked it more then Jeopardy. Sadly NBC now four hours of the Today Show.
In the National Enquirer there was the cover story of Natalie Wood’s sister wanting Robert Wagner arrested for Natalie’s death. I wrote about it yesterday on grouthink.jezebel.com. http://groupthink.jezebel.com/natalie-wood-c…
Two thoughts.
Why is it that a party which had one of their founding members literally ended slavery could in 2015 bend over backward giving legal protections to people whose life choice is to be religious yet bend over backward denying legal protections to those born gay?
For number four. Is that really his mother? She looks so uncomfortable and where his eyes are aimed at sheesh I want to yell "eyes up for god's sake plus thats your mother".
I would seetle for him being a real human.
Thanks a lot. I just flashbacked to the yearly grade school misery called Stations of the Cross where we were lead around the inside of the church staring at the pane glass windows each symbolized a certain moment of his impending death.
That would.make an excellent cartoon. After they make Apple Dumpling Gang.cartoon.