EisenBolan, SJW

Neigh, horses are too smart and huge superiority complexes to marry mere humans.

Thats why I tell my mother never, ever look.up medical stuff online except for webmd even wikipedia is sketchy.

I miss the Yankee repblicans that once dominated the party. Yankee as in fiscal conservatives and social moderates. President Ford and First Lady Betty Ford were perfect examples. Do you notice Repblicans never mention their names? Yet they were commonplace at one point. Governor Weld was a good example.also.

I hate slippery slope arguments. Everything could be a slippery slope. The first drawings by Neanderthals could be argued as the slippery slope.to internet porn. First medical procedures could.be argued as the slippery slope to abortion. I remember in the 80s one argument against abortion was it would lead to

Carvel was the worst ice cream cakes ever. Are they still around? The ice cream inside was blah and the frosting and nonice cream stuff was barely edible. Really for years turned me off ice cream cakes.

A few weeks ago it was circa ten degrees and my mother and I were out shopping. I had this urge for a Mocha Frappe from McDonalds. It was like always very good. What has the temperature have to do with food? People stand in front of outdoor grills in ninety plus degrees to eat burgers and sausages. So in winter why

Well 2 characters may be antivaxxers but modified

The peacock is accusing humans of stealing the concept of fashion from them. Bipeds are humans.

The peacock says "we are the original fashionistas and you bipeds stole from us!"

Wise words and thank you for sharing this. I hope your career recovered.

Amazing the incredible stupidity of people using their real names then posting stuff like this.

Yes but think about the good you could do.with her wealth.

Jesus' response to KimK " actually not a bad idea. Maybe it will convince folk I am not blonde from Northern Europe. I should get my mother to join us she is tired of having folks.think she stepped off the cover of a British fashion magazine. I would bring my wife Mary but that would crash the internet for a million

Oh Christ I thought we vanquished the whole "how can it be rape its my wife mentality". There was a case early 80s(?) give or take a few years. A woman pressed charges.against her husband for rape. I remember the jokes and men coming to the husbands defense arguing,.stupidly, its a husbands right. I really thought

EL James and Sam Taylor Johnson disliked each other over a film which based on clips seems to be a high production late 80s to early 90s Cinemax late night movie minus Shannon Tweed and the idiotic fun those movies had. A very underrated actress, she knew she was a bad actress but it was ohvious she had fun making

My instincts tell me.that those who are making this a blockbuster are those or at least same.mindset who made.the Jesus film by Mel Gibson a huge hit. Older, right wing, Evangelical and very fickle about going to movies.

Acting is an art form. During the 70s.there were attempts.to turn porn into more indie like.films.but explicit.sex scenes. Awards for this yes. Awards for sex scenes something anyone with a camera can do no. Today the porn industry seems to be just a couple of lines then the sex. Explain how these performers are any

Thats nothing compared to tribbles or the Duggers.

good clmment

Because "science" to too many of the willful ignorant see no difference between religion and science. It also does not help that we have businesses like Fox News that indulge these willful ignorant folk every day.