
Nietzsche, if he’s ‘pop culture’. Too often his writing is taken way out of context and appropriated by racists and angsty adolescents, stripped of its profound intellectual wealth and careful consideration, distance - read any of his writings on the Will to Power section in ‘The Will to Power’ - immensely helpful for

*wells up on reading first line*

There’s Rilke’s poem on a bust of Apollyon’s torso, quite beautiful, ending on the line: ‘Du musst dein Leben ändern!’- You have got to change your life!, but I’ll come back with more pop culture-y stuff anon...

How about hating change, when its disastrous and destroys a community you loved? Is change a wonderful thing when say, your dad dies? I appreciate the efforts made to coax us all into this new Kinja.Gawker reality. Telling us to be patient and hush and won’t be so bad. Not the fault of the valiant AV staff. Just,

Yul Brynner’s character didn’t really leave any impression on me, however, I was referring to the human lead’s charisma.