
You're forgetting that MSN, yahoo, trillian (I believe), Skype, iChat, now Kinect and FaceTime are ALL video chat compatible. Not to mention all of the other open source ones out there I don't know about. This isn't new, and it isn't groundbreaking. Video chat has been out for an extremely long time, and webcams have

@SewerShark: No captions? What about the incredible difference in scaling for the vertical axis - 0 to 5 is the same size abouts as 5 to 20 -, not to mention the fact that neither axis (ok, we can figure out the horizontal is years) is labeled and there's no proper title. C'mon man, didn't your math teacher harass you

You don't really have to trade quality either. I've got a Canon Powershot I received for Christmas that ends up with some pretty good photos. Granted, I'm shooting at 10MP to get that (probably overkill, but I have enough space for about 1200 pictures per card...oh noes). I use the 10MP so I can take more zoomed out

I think even if the WiiGun was painted neon orange, the girl still could have mistaken the real thing for the toy.

@Nathanael Dale Ries: Because you're using THEIR resources to view THEIR content for FREE.

Handwritten vs. Laptop are really a matter of what you're taking notes for. I don't know anyone that can type LaTeX out on their laptop just as fast as they could hand-write it (not to mention debugging said code). Microsoft equation editors are even slower to use, and by the time you get that equation down three more