So anyone who identifies as a woman should be able to to compete in women’s events? Because that is a world in which genetically born women just can’t compete.
So anyone who identifies as a woman should be able to to compete in women’s events? Because that is a world in which genetically born women just can’t compete.
I’ve definitely heard it. I am a female soldier, and I’ve been truly shocked at how many non-military feminists I’ve seen suggesting a gender neutral physical fitness test for the military. They don’t even begin to understand how many women they’d be putting out of work.
Yes, but it’s telling that her performance improved so much after the rules regarding hormones were changed. She only won silver during London 2012. Now that athletes are no longer required to lower their natural testosterone levels before competing against women, she’s beating the others by miles. It would be too…
Her gender is as she defines it, and she identifies as a woman. That isn’t disputed, nor should it be. For better or for worse though competition is separated by sex not gender, and she is intersex. If you divide a sport into different classes, at some point you have to delineate those classes into meaningful,…
Thank you. I dont get why feminst ignore biology and facts to pretend women can realistically compete aganist men in sports.
What ever the rational, what ever the fairness, the bottom line is this, from the standpoint of competitive drama the inclusion of Caster Semenya makes this the least compelling of all Olympic events. Medical conditions or medical loop-holes that supplant any stories of athletic or competitive prowess rob the sport of…
Get a grip. Ledecky completely obliterated her world record times at these Olympics in the 400 and 800m freestyle. Had she raced in the men’s 400m, her world record time would have been almost 7 seconds behind the 8th place finisher. And while there wasn’t a men’s 800m this year for comparison, Ledecky is the world…
I don’t really think so, especially when it comes to elite athletic competitions.
I really don’t know how to answer that question. In one way it’s unfair for semanya not to be able to do something she loves but at the same time it’s unfair for all the other female athletes with XX chromosomes. Semanya even has internal testes making this even more complex.
If she swam with the men in her events at the olympics she wouldnt medal ever.
Because women on average can’t compete with men.
Because women wouldn’t ever get a shot at competing, then.
Ledecky’s a transcendent, generational talent. But her WR time in the 400 M freestyle would’ve placed her 43rd in the men’s 400 (heats).
Can’t we all just be woke enough to accept the fact that a female Olympic contender with testicles will always be a faster runner than a female Olympic contender who has been saddled with ovaries?
caster isnt the only athelte suspected to have elevated testorone levels. the first 3 , wambui and the burindi woman, are also suspected
Not really. She’s intersex. She’s not fighting her body to feminize it by taking hormones, but she’s not supplementing her body either through doping. She just is existing as herself. It’s tricky as fuck. There’s a reason men and women have separate categories for racing, and unfortunately there isn’t an in between or…
But by that logic, why doesn’t she compete against men? If she doesn’t fit into the sex binary, and her hormones levels are closer to that of a man, surely that would make more sense? She wouldn’t need to alter her natural testosterone levels at all.
This woman retains internal testicles that give her an unfair advantage over other female athletes.
I’m not sure how you could possibly think that, unless you’re willfully ignoring things. Two mins of googling produces this:
As far as I’m aware, Caster’s testosterone level is three times that of the average woman. If you’re going to allow her to race against women without taking any hormone blockers, what’s the point in separating sport by sex in the first place?