Two Minutes Hate

Her third unpaid internship? That’s a hell of a lot of time to be unpaid. I was just having this discussion with my husband. I was toying with the idea of quitting my job because the past year it has been....its been fucking hellish for me. As much as I love my job and am very passionate about it, the hours are brutal

it’s not the words “SORRY USA AND WORLD” written in crayon on a piece of light green construction paper.

Oh shit I am so sorry we are supposed to defer to internet outrage when it comes to deciding how we feel about people we are close to. It’s almost as if our feelings towards the people we love who do and say DUMB ASS SHIT were super simple!! I mean sometimes I forget to tell my future mother in law that I straight up

Yes and no. The legal definition has changed. A wife could not legally be raped by her husband in the 80s in Kentucky where I grew up. The same with pentration with a foreign object in some states.

Yeah, I can’t believe she’d treat a friend who she disagrees with on an issue w/ respect instead of throwing him under the bus.

Come on, dude. He said “a smart understanding of what rape is becoming and what we’re now understanding about it.” He’s making exactly the point you say he should be making. Jesus, why does this conversation always devolve into policing people for not phrasing things in exactly the way people like you approve of?

“Agree with me or perish.”

I didn’t actually see them doing anything outrageous, did I blink? I saw some dudes go into what looked like a bathroom, then get in a taxi, then some far off footage of them getting on the ground while someone loomed over them with a gun. Where was the fight?

I have a feeling that Ryan Lochte is that one friend your parents warned you about. It is SO that guy that causes all the damn trouble and *POOF* he’s gone and you are stuck with the wine coolers when the cops show up.

Someone on Twitter referred to him as “Swim Shady” which is so brilliant, and I hope it catches on.

My money is STILL on them being robbed of coke. Which is why they aren’t saying anything was stolen.

I don’t know. A drunk 22 year old kid was shot in my neighborhood for refusing to give his phone up to an armed robber. They don’t call it liquid courage for nothing, though the line between “courage” and “stupidity” certainly gets blurrier.

I’m kind of impressed when Lochte doesn’t put his shoes & socks on in that particular order.

The head of our legal department sends all her emails in 16 pt Comic Sans. There is nothing about this lady that is comical. She is terrifying.

After spending seven years living in Peru, Brazil, and Ecuador, there is not much I will believe coming from these cops.

“Too excited, went out like stink, died like a pig. Thanks for that.”

Thank you. I get sick of this “respect the culture” when the culture is clearly horrible.

I would argue it's very unlikely this is how she would choose to live if she had modern Western freedom.

You're not growing the wheat or the avocados? Poser.