Two Minutes Hate

I think there can be significant overlap in that Venn diagram. It’s the area covering self-righteous anger at people not practicing veganism and classist ignorance about things like food deserts.

Yeah, if you have a super great idea that you don’t run by your co-workers before implementing in this massively public setting, it’s because, deep down, you know it’s a stupid fucking idea they’d have rightly shut down.

Starring to promote the STUNNING fact that people are like “I won’t vote for Clinton, who has fought for children’s rights her entire adult life, in favor of someone who thinks that we should be skeptical of vaccines because, y’know, drug companies make all kinds of money on generic vaccines that prevent horrifying

Et tu, Bernie?

Jill Stein is 100 percent correct

And she’s a fucking anti-vaxxer. IDK why so many people overlook that.

Jill Stein is such an asshole. She praised Brexit, then tried to pretend otherwise.

“I want Honey Nut Cheerios”

It’s called “stupidity”. It isn’t catching but it is quite prevalent.

I have tried, but I still can’t understand the “I love Bernie, which means I hate Hillary so much I’ll vote for Trump” process.

Presumably, a Sanders endorsement would only serve to sway Sanders’ supporters toward Clinton for the general election. But why do you even want these supporters?

My understanding of the update is that originally, there were something like 110 emails which contained classified info, but only a tiny number of those were labeled with a visible “classified” mark on it (like your stereotypical “Top Secret” stamp on a paper). The update is saying that while there were emails that

People who think it is a DNC conspiracy obviously did not read the facts. Comey is a huge republican. He was a Bush appointee to US Attorney (prior to his FBI gig obviously) and contributed to the last two republican presidential campaigns. He went way outside the lines of what was appropriate in his speech yesterday

No. It wasn’t illegal, not any of it. Comey was part of the Whitewater investigation and is Republican. He hates her. That’s why he held the unnecessary press conference. Because he couldn’t do anything else.

Actually, according to the update, not any emails contained classified info when she sent them or received them.

Twenty plus years and untold millions wasted trying to frame the Clintons shady af and it boils down to a consentual blow job and a server with 0.04% potentially sensitive documents.

Nope. The investigation encompassed her entire staff, which includes many potential fall guys. The unanimous recommendation was that none of them should face charges, not just HRC.

I will most likely vote for Clinton, but all I can think of is the scene in Animal Farm where Napoleon kills Snowball and then presents Snowball’s plans as his own

Jesus, to be a cop, get that call and arrive on that scene. Say what you want about cops but the things they must see while on the job....

What the fuck?