I imagine Joe’s thought process on all this. “God damn Bernie! Get on with it already! Fine I’ll do it.”
I imagine Joe’s thought process on all this. “God damn Bernie! Get on with it already! Fine I’ll do it.”
Ugh, I used to love Sanders, but I think he’s being such a shit little white man and saying that Hillary basically has to adopt all of HIS policy platforms before he’ll endorse her. Ummm, bro, Hillary is way more qualified than you are to be President and just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she can’t have her own…
I wouldn’t call getting help with a college essay cheating either! In fact, I had help with my essay when I applied, and I have also tutored high school kids with their college essays. But Jia wrote that she would actually end up writing and/or rewriting essays for her students. That’s something I consider cheating.…
I’m guessing he probably resented that she was making more than he was.
And her long-time assistant, Felicia Culotta, says that just before Spears takes the stage, “her sons get sad” and say, “No, please don’t make her be Britney Spears right now.”
There is no punished enough for these people. At the very, very least they should have all their other, and any future children, permanently removed.
I do not buy the whole idea that when parents proudly make awful decisions that lead to their children’s deaths (like leaving loaded guns lying around, failing to get the child proper medical attention, etc.) the death should be the parents’ punishment. These parents neglected their child to the point that he died,…
No, they haven’t been punished enough. Feeling bad about breaking law doesn’t mean you get to break the law in a way that leads to death without penalty.
I was going to say: maybe they’ve been punished enough, until I came to the part where the husband opened his mouth.
A child is dead and that’s not abuse? What the ever flying fuck, Canada? Your judges are as bad as ours.
Fuck this fucking idiot. What did he think this was? A Twitter poll?
I love (in the stabby sense) the language of “sovereignty” and “autonomy” he uses to describe the newfound “independence” (of an imperial power, for fuck’s sake) everyone At Home is going to enjoy now they’re no longer under Europe’s thumb, diddums. Independence from cheap food and cheap holidays, from labor…
So, the British equivalent of our TEA Party morons got their way? This doesn’t bode well for our chances of avoiding Orangutan-In-Chief.
We actually do want change. We just know that doesn’t happen by merely shouting into the wind and calling people names.
I don’t like her either, and her sense of entitlement is infuriating. But can we agree not to use “fat” or “ugly” as insults??
And that’s one of many good reasons you need affirmative action—to counterbalance the enormous advantage that legacy candidates have.
Hahahahahaha good.
you know, it really isn’t nice to speak ill of the dead...
Dear Antonin Scalia,