Two Minutes Hate

Yeah, people’s perspectives tend to change once you use misrepresentations to justify your supporters’ use of misogyny and threats and then refuse to concede after you’ve lost.

So his entire campaign was just a long con just for a chance to speak at the Democratic convention? Well done Bernie.

Several anti-vax organizations have been pooling their collective intellectual powers

I mean, I may catch some flak for this, but: masculinity and femininity are social constructs, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. The entire basis of gender presentation revolves around the idea that there is, generally speaking, a spectrum of presentation ranging from “masculine” to “feminine”. Masculine is

What if you don’t have to pick a side?

Do you find the idea of women “looking masculine” so confusing in the trans/bathroom articles too? Our culture's traditional gender roles are pretty ubiquitous, it’s hard to imagine anyone being genuinely confused by this.

We can slice amys words to pieces, but we know what she meant, and I we all know that not performing for the male heterosexual eye probably does hurt female performers. It makes sense.

That happened over a hundred years ago when the republicans were a different party. I'm not sure if the people who used to be republicans would support the modern incarnation.

I still have half a belief that Trump is a Clinton plant. Although, he might just not know it.

Google. This has been explained.
Older voters want substance, younger voters want style. Older voters understand legislation and the judiciary. The Dem machine has been active in worlds that mean something to them.

Oh, I know this one! My parents! Here’s the logic: I don’t like Hillary, but Trump seems like a lunatic. Therefore, Bernie. Bernie’s out? Well, I still don’t QUITE know what I don’t like about Hillary, she just seems...bad. Therefore, Trump.

I didn’t believe in those people (just seems ridiculous!) until I met a couple. Most of the ones I know are deep conspiracy nuts who learned to question everything but actually reason out nothing. I blame the boomers.

Except women of color support Hillary. Why is everyone forgetting that? Why is everyone forgetting that we not all live in Brooklyn and the blacks and Chicanos from the south are overwhelmingly for Hillary? Why am I shouting into a void????

They exist. I know at least one personally. He’s a piece of shit. It’s all a lot of complaining that the system is rigged and we need a revolution, and whatever bullshit. Like, MOTHERFUCKER, we live in a country with actual elections, a stable government, and the fucking rule of law. DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA WHAT

Chrissy Teigen, yes. Keep being amazing.

I didn’t expect to be THIS excited about having a female nominee. But I’m pretty fucking excited. Can you guys imagine if she wins? If Hillary wins, that means, in 2020, all children who are under the age of 12 will have ONLY ever lived in a time when their president was a either 1) a woman or 2) a black man. That

I am very much the reluctant Hillary voter but I swear to Birds on Podiums I have lost some friends the past two weeks because they said they were going to write Sanders in even after his inevitable loss in California. This was it, folks. California made their choice and we have to play along. It’s over. This is a two

Did you guys watch her speech last night? It was pretty damn good. And she’s really finding the right tone for this election. She seems like your cold as steel Aunt Hillary who, somewhere deep down, has a heart of gold. You’d trust her with the nuclear codes. And you gotta know she cares about your reproductive