They’re selfish fuckweasels who don’t care about anyone but themselves, and *they’ll* be fine under a President Trump, so screw Hitlery!!!11
They’re selfish fuckweasels who don’t care about anyone but themselves, and *they’ll* be fine under a President Trump, so screw Hitlery!!!11
For real tho where is my woman card
Thanks for infantilizing me, but I’m 31. No need to grow up. I’m already here. And I sincerely hope you look at the criticisms you listed with neutral eyes, because I think you’ll find Hillary is the candidate you’re looking for.
I voted for Hilary because I believe she’s the better choice. I respect a lot of Bernie Sanders positions and would vote for him if he won, but I believe a lot of what he talks about is unachievable. And I disagree with some of his positions.
I cried a bit when she started talking about being the first woman. I suddenly felt ... represented in a way I never have before now.
Or mistaken for marketing when you actually run the R&D team for a tech startup.
Exactly. She earned my vote for other reasons, but I am totally, crazy stoked that a woman is the nominee!! This is historic - a huge moment - and nobody is going to make me feel bad about being excited!
I voted for Hillary today because she is the most qualified presidential candidate. But right now? Right now I’m sobbing because she is a woman and today is fucking beautiful. Can’t wait for little kids to grow up knowing that anyone can run for president. I cannot believe that it’s finally real.
I keep thinking, if you don’t understand why this is important, you’ve never been one of two women in your PhD class of 15. Or one of three women in your cohort at work. Or though, maybe I’d want to do this in my career, and then remembered that 90% of people in that position are men. I cried the whole train ride home…
Amen and well put. As a woman, I don’t think I fully understood how much I needed to see that until I saw her up there
I enjoyed her speech and thought the delivery was great. I’m beyond fucking excited to see her smash Drumpf into the ground. Boy, bye.
I'm hoping my son learns that if you cheat on your wife, some day she might have access to the nuclear launch codes and a crack team of assassins. So, keep your nose clean!
I complained about this when an MP who was standing for leader of the Labour Party in UK answered if he was a feminist with “yes, I have three daughters”. Like cool dude, nice to know you didn’t consider me an equal until someone handed you a baby girl and you realised you wanted people to treat her properly.
As a woman, it is amazing to think that I might get to see the first woman president. I am so excited for all the girls who will grow up potentially experiencing this and being empowered by it.
As a parent who is trying to raise feminist boys, I am also excited for my sons, even though they’ll be too young to fully…
Haters gonna hate but, when all is said and done, and we are 50 years past this, HRC is going to be on a dollar bill, or some monument, or something. The crap this woman has had to go through to get this far, and the pure gumption and chutzpa she has shown in the face of enormous animosity, sexism, and whatever else…
I voted for Bernie in my state’s primary but I’m 100% over him now and not because he’s losing. I get what he’s doing and I respect his views on a lot of things but I’m starting to see cracks in the integrity he always professed. Agreeing to engage in a debate for charity to benefit women’s issues without the only…
You can also look at it as men not giving a shit about women until they have their own flesh and blood walking around in female form as daughters. Sort of like how men always have to relate discussions of women’s issues back to their sisters, mothers, daughters, wives, etc. because they can’t see women as human beings…
They were never the party’s nominee, though.
My daughter is almost 9 and she legit thinks that women are not allowed to be president because that must be why we haven’t had one by now. I’m going to let her stay up late tonight and watch.
She also once asked me who the first black president was. I said, Barack Obama, and she said “I know he is one of them, but…