
Seems like there were plenty of people there to help, and I’m pretty uncertain what qualifies Tebow to lend any assistance whatsoever outside of getting medical professionals. A friend is epileptic and the first time he had a seizure around me, I was at a loss to help in any way but call 911 and turn him on his side,

Few notes - 1) I am familiar with a child having a seizure, I experienced it first hand 2) I am not the only one commenting here, so I expect you to reply to all of them with several Fuck You’s (CAP and no cap) 3) Lastly, this Deadspin post is about the continued worship of Tebow, not the victim of the seizure.

Seems like he has an ego issue or a gawking issue. Why stick around? What purpose do you serve other than thinking 1. Your ego believes that your presence is helpful in some way 2. You want to stare at a person stricken by tragedy out of selfish curiosity. I think it is #1, based on his airheaded innocence and reality