
Democratic voters, stand your ground at the polling place.

Yeah, American businesses routinely do that shit.

I wish he’d held his ground and basically said, “Fuck her fifth-rate writing, I do what I want, she can suck my wand.”

The Julian Assange of Canadian prison reform.


*shrug* Deciding to marry is a bigger deal. For anyone. It means changing your life. Winning an Olympic medal is the end of a journey for most athletes. A moment they can’t surpass and likely won’t. Marriage is the beginning of a different change of life.

Perhaps, for Zi, the engagement is more meaningful than winning the silver medal in her sport. It’s not for anyone else to decide which should carry more weight — or if the experiences are even comparable.

And so soft on my eyelids when I use them to cover them before he makes “love” to me. *shudder*

She looked like a bejeweled governess.


Not really.

Did this week’s checks clear or something? You guys are back on form.

Laugh if you want and I won’t blame you.

Definitely whipped.

Foul scarlet-tressed imps of Satan.

Gurl, I’ll wave out to you through the windows of Hermes while I’m shopping-spreeing on his charge account.

Tay-Tay, Destroyer of Worlds, is getting an award and those two are shading her with faint praise. Riri is giving Katy the, “Gurl, I know, I understand, I feel you.” wave.

I’m saying they’re not incompetent.

“But if a person is like, hey, I’m a nationally-known professional actor on my way to do some professional actor stuff in your country...”