
Cultural mores are not an “interpretation”. They are REAL.

How does saying, “They threw someone out to get raped because they thought protecting a guest was more important than their wives or children” DEFENDING what they did? Show me where I defended it. Give the EXACT quote from what I wrote above.

Thanks for the info! That’s great.

BUT instead of explaining WHY that would have been ludicrous, you chose to make the point that the whole story is fiction and so, anything relating ancient cultural mores to the story are void.

I agree!

*shrug* Doesn’t matter. It’s a moral tale meant to communicate cultural mores and “right” conduct at the time.

Show me where I defended rape. SHOW ME.

*shrug* Okay. Sure.

The thing is I GET that it all boils down to “Women were worth less to that society”. That’s a proven fact across the centuries.

*shrug* Maybe he didn’t in real life. You’re right, we don’t know.

Ummm....look it up? I mean, if you care that much.


*shrug* Okay. That’s fine by me.

That’s nice.

I don’t understand.

Those who live in the truth sleep with the angels.

It’s sad that you’re unwilling to look into it instead of being self-righteously ignorant.

Yes, I realized that some time before your comment and admitted my mistake.

No, they’re fighting.