So no one who isn’t from a country with a currently problematic political field is allowed to speak on any other country’s problematic political field.
So no one who isn’t from a country with a currently problematic political field is allowed to speak on any other country’s problematic political field.
What you’re saying is that because she has a couple of policies you like, you’ll overlook what everyone else is proving to you is a problem about her.
He’s actually done a lot of good to non-white and/or poor defendants according to many defense attorneys and others.
And you’re sure this is the
Not harsher. Consistent.
Okay, I’m wrong about that, fine.
His wife either knows and doesn’t care about his foolishness or is keeping herself in the dark because, in her mind, none of this affects her.
“You went to Lollapalooza for BIG FUN!”
Off-topic: I’m amused as hell by the crazed troll fuckthisshitimout, you’ve got on your back and the sock-puppet account, AvaSilver, he has to co-sign his b.s.
My advice is to remember that horrible shit has been going on when you weren’t looking and the fact you’re just noticing now is no reason to imagine that it’s worst than ever.
This is one white privilege I’m happy for them to keep.
Kelly Jacobs enslaved a young fashion designer named Angel Barta and stole her work for YEARS.
You’re just a fount of misinformation about Australian TV shows, aren’t you?