It’s nice, she’s good, no hate.
Ever noticed RDJ used to kinda look like Prince a bit?
Generations of airline and hotel staff and just everyday citizens of tropical paradises across the world say, “Thank you, Germany, at last.”
Oh, I agree! I’m certainly not standing up with those racists and idiots who do that shit.
Y’all stupid enough to watch this shit deserve everything you get.
We should wait for the facts UNLESS it is evident via video that they out and out killed someone who was already subdued or posed no threat.
Gurl, tell everyone you’re channeling an ancient Incan priestess and they’ll throw money at you.
Madonna’s trolling is the SHIT.
Why? By the time s/he’s old enough to comprehend this crap, it will have been forgotten.
I like Keona. #TeamDontGiveAFuckBecauseICantMakeYouCheatThatsOnYOU
Her tongue trying to escape her mouth.
There WILL be a music video/art project bullshit with all this shit in it after the summer, right in time to start PR on her new album of work and make him look such a clever actor boy.
Ugh, this show is one long STRUGGLE.