
He’s an actor. Who isthisclose to getting what his friends Benedict Cumberbatch and Eddie Redmayne have achieved. ThisClose. And like BC and ER, who BOTH went into severe Hollywood/Oscar thirst, he’s thinking that if he just pushes and lets his ambition run riot for a bit, he can get what he wants, which is put at the

They’re both attractive and fit. Why not?

“Hey, girl...thanks for ‘Like’”

“By any re-wording necessary.”—MalcolmX

Consider yourselves lucky. If you were Eastern European or Russian, he’d think you were all whores.

Pics or get out.

How can she be a famous Latina and not have dyed blonde hair??


IN LOVE WITH LOVE, baby, THAT’S who they ARE.

How are you not doing Bobby “Middle” Finger’s job??

Hunny, if you’re going to go to all this trouble to make a joke, don’t screw yourself by not even getting the basics, like the photo of the groom you don’t plan on identifying (“see, it’s FUNNY!”) wrong.

It was released pretty widely, over 700 theaters as I remember.

If it takes a Trump to make someone become a citizen, then I guess that’s better than nothing.

Well, I DID say “better late than never”, lol.

I give him evil points for this. Trying to get secondhand fame from being known as a character in a famous movie whilst also profiting by claiming to be offended by that characterization is next level grifting.

I read on a fan site that he begins filming in Australia in early July for some project or other.

He’s desperate to get people to forget his Oscar-thirst bomb “I saw the light” and make himself more attractive to the Broccoli family who own the Bond franchise by looking like he’ll bring in a new audience of fangirls to the project if they sign him. She’s desperate to get people and the media to move on from the

It couldn’t even make back it’s tiny for Hollywood $13 million budget.

Tom Hiddleston = “Bennifer” era Ben Affleck but, without the money.