
Keep your kid away from them. Warn other parents. Ban them from local schools or kid activities.

The stupidity is amplified by the conspiracy theory nature of the anti-vaccers.

He’s the .001 percent of germs that it won’t kill.

Okay, I respect the guerilla marketing going on here and your strong sponsorship game but it’s making me question the intelligence of these yoga pants wearers.

I’m not even a fan, let alone a stan of his, and I know he’s had one or two steady girlfriends in the past 10 years. He was a slight blip on the radar of my fandoms before becoming well known himself, because of his close friendship with Benedict Cumberbatch, so he got looked into by the more, shall we say, devoted mem

Not rape, though.

Fuck this shit.

You couldn’t keep me off dick at 26. If I’d been rich and famous and had access to the phone numbers of every hot piece of ass in Hollywood...they’d have to re-line my bussy.

Calvin is an uggo that got money and bought hotness.

They were merely fucking. If Harris saw more, that’s his stupidity.

*raises hand*

Swift did it in public because she knows there are cameras around. Her “romances” a.k.a. sport fucking, is a key plank of her career platform.

“Page Six reports he approached a woman who was dining alone at a West Village restaurant (she was having “pasta and burrata salad”) and chatted her up for half an hour, at which point she revealed she had a boyfriend.”

I will never stop vomiting.

Then prison should offer some comforts.

The shipping thing has stopped me, too. It’s insulting.

The reason you can’t do a primetime network TV show on a gay kid in the 70s or 80s is because there was no outlets for gay youth like now. They couldn’t go to coffeehouses or gay-straight alliances, like on the Galvin TV show set in the present-day. Forget about worrying about social networking and dating sites let

You’re parents dumb luck paid off. Don’t pat yourself or them on the back for it while throwing shit at some parents who weren’t lucky because they didn’t know.


Please let me be the one to turn you in for the bounty Chanel pays for ratting out counterfeiters!