
She’s not “losing her livelihood”. A few cancelled shows isn’t her livelihood.

That’s rich coming from Tony Visconti and you should recognize that.

Oh, bullshit.

“I’m looking for virtuosos like Hendrix, Cobain and Bowie.”

There is no way, NO WAY, I consider her band losing some shows and receiving some social shaming on the level of what Turner is getting from the media, public, and, possibly soon, the courts.

Or only marry someone who’s in a country you can get justice in.

In Russia..

Bubble: I wish I was more curvy. I wish I had breasts like yours.

Personally, I don’t think cognitive dissonance makes someone a monster.


That makes no sense.

Hot take: Never marry a foreigner.


Fuck that.

Okay. That’s fair.

They BOTH ain’t SHIT.

Why are we assuming these people are dumb and weren’t given medical advice?

They’ve likely thought this through since they’ve obviously taken medical advice on the matter. And simply aren’t going into details about their sex life because, frankly, why should they?

Why bother when he can just use Conan O’Brien’s?