Show me the video when one of these family members finally chokes one of those murdering fucks out and I’ll give you all the clicks.
Show me the video when one of these family members finally chokes one of those murdering fucks out and I’ll give you all the clicks.
You know I love you and respect your disgust but...
With that user name, you can’t be all bad.
It is possible to be both. Not in every case. But in some.
Some people don’t want to see the truth or hear it.
The average idiot watching History Channel is a white man.
*shrug* It’s possible to be both.
He won’t even be President.
Let’s make a deal.
He’s a character I always wanted to bang.
I was shaking my head at the silliness and contrivances but willing to suspend my disbelief in the spirit of spy movie dumbness (which I adore).
He didn’t, however, make a bet about fucking some girl in the movie.
It’s TERRIBLE. And that shit with the girl and the anal sex at the end? That was FUCKED UP.
Nobody outside of the business cares who directs these things unless it’s someone so unexpected or huge that it has to be noticed.
I saw him in a vid for some fashion designer, I don’t remember who now, no one big.
Being honest about sex and teaching about how its not disconnected from one’s sense of self and that sharing it has to be done by two (or more) people in full understanding of what they were doing, not because they felt forced, intimidated, eager to please, or even curious.
This is an asshole who saw that he wasn’t going to get kudos for what he said but was pilloried for it.