
It’s legal, I agree. It’s creepy and that’s my issue. And I think that of many others. And for a person in the public eye, being creepy is not a good look.

She’s gross, she’s always been gross, I’ve been saying it for YEARS.

Since we’re all speculating, I’m guessing it will be about that kind of woman who has no female friends, calls herself “one of the guys”, and tries to hard to prove that “only guys get me, I can’t stand being around women”.

Are there slaves?

I hate it already.

I hope she gets help and the boys get punished.

They paid in full. Look it up. Reparations on an unprecedented and even ruinous scale. It was right to happen. But, it’s done now.

Hey, remember when Indonesian culture wasn’t being wiped out by Islamic influence?

Germany’s paid up in full. Look it up. That’s over. It’s been 70 years, time to let WW2 go as far as any idea that Germany owes the rest of the Europe or America a damn thing.

What he’s leaving out if that outside the hamam, things were not open and free. And that the fight for individual rights to live and love as one pleases are WHY they have those Pride Parades now that hetero allies are attending. It’s not a party celebrating freedom. It’s a way to show they’re not going away.

Exactly! That’s one perfect way to put it. We saw the same thing happening in Egypt recently.

Blaming Turkish homophobia on Western influence is quite a neat trick.

They can want it all they like. It was possible before but now, I can’t imagine Germany can, or even wants, to make it possible. For the time being.

No. It really couldn’t.

This is part of “moving away from European pretensions”, I guess.

No kidding, Turkey was on my list of places to go but, now it’s off.

“Known” by whom?

White trash like to leave trash. *shrug*

The therapy sessions her family mandated if they were going to keep supporting her.

So that it SMELLS right. If it smells right or at least good, people will think they have an allergy or something if they get a rash, not that the perfume is fake.