
This was obviously God’s will. Why can’t he accept his Master’s choice?

Was the artist’s name in the credits for the video?

Big fan of Bowie here.


?????? Since when were they?

They make me sad.


Your mentor says, “hi”.


Most people in that industry are narcissistic sociopath “artistes”. Or just greedy fucks who would sell their mother to sex traffickers.

“It is just to say: I don’t get it.”



I’m thinking the word went out in the “Hot School” to spam this article.

This is some scary stuff. I’ve NEVER seen anything like this since the MRA or Breitbart types flooded in awhile back when their tinpot gods and crazy belief systems were challenged around here.

No wonder he became an alcoholic.

Never EVER saw the day coming when Wheelchair Jimmy(tm) would have so many younggins dickmatized.


No, actually you’re feeling SMART.