
It imagines that all girls live in a world in which, even as 9 year olds, they are being looked at as desirable creatures who have to be on point and attractive and suitably sexy at all times. Or they will be shamed by other girls and women as well as question themselves when they see other little girls properly

Damn, gurl, why you so NEEDY?

Actually, as it turns out, you can!

I love when suspected adultery or alienation of affection is just FINE if we like the celebs involved.

Oh, my god, I just wrote something similar before seeing your comment.

Most famous actors, on either side of the Atlantic, are narcissistic attention-needy whores.

And almost NOBODY is talking about this.

Seriously, I’d want to get a good work out plan together involving walking and some good weight training even before doing the diet part.


You know, I JUST made fun of commenters like you up the thread, LOL.

“ I made my wedding dress out of the burlap sack they delivered the potatoes I used to personally make vegan hash browns which I served at my $5 back yard wedding after asking guests to please contribute hugs to the needy in lieu of gifts.”

See, I want to deploy the “This is some white nonsense” gif, except I know damn well there’s a ton of nerds out there who aren’t white who would do this shit in a SECOND.

Unless you’re going to deep fry it and serve it with a dipping sauce...No, I don’t need that right now.

Well, at least she didn’t take anyone with her.


Nice blow job, bro.

Well, girl, you don’t look a day over 58.

That is EXACTLY what I thought was going on.

Oh, that shit (no pun intended) works!

Wife of a Christian evangelical.