
Edit. Nevermind.

I’ve defined partisan to another commenter and suggest you look it up, too. BLM is a partisan cause.

I’m not even responding anymore to some of these commenters.

How is the Army saying that?

Which is what has happened in every other case of military members being investigated and punished: Someone told someone who could actually do something about it.

THEY give a shit, though. That’s the point.

You quoted the West Point regulation in one of your very first comments. Which refutes the very point you’re making now.

You made assertions. I refuted them. You responded. As did I.

But these young women DO.

“Choice” implies that your viewpoint is in any factual, verifiable, or rational.

If you feel that way then there’s nothing left to discuss because you’re being irrational on multiple levels.

Just stop. Seriously.

It’s clearly partisan. “Partisan” doesn’t just refer to political party.

That raised fist has only two possible meanings and both of them have either overt political meanings associated with an anti-government philosophy or is an expression related to a current social movement with clear partisan associations in some ways or implicitly are about disruption.

Punishing someone for being in uniform and breaking a clearly delineated regulation?

These aren’t the kind of military leaders I want.

That you WILL be having that baby in Taco Bell restroom?

Why not just go to a zero-gravity facility?


Good luck with that.