
All of the above. Just replace “gambling/drug problem” with shopping addiction.

There’s a difference between getting loaded (which she apparently enjoyed, too) when the kids are away or having “grown up time” away from them versus being obviously fucked up in front of them.

Angie’s cold as ICE, though. Most celebs, including her, would rather die than have family issues aired and she went fucking nuclear and fired on Brad from JUMP.

Yeah, it’s not as simple as you or other commenters on the other side of the argument think. It’s actually almost a wash in the end when certain variables are controlled for.

Thanks for the background.

*shrug* That’s your opinion.

Actions have consequences.

The issue to me is that NO ONE in military prison should be dealt tortuous punishments like we’ve heard about in Manning’s case and others.

Uh, no. Thank you.

On the one hand, I agree. On the other, the fact people across Asian countries kill themselves over things like bad grades indicates to me that we shouldn’t be using their cultures as a necessarily good example of what we want to be encouraging in ours.

In fairness, didn’t Manning try and commit suicide even before she joined the military? (if I’m wrong, sorry, it’s what I thought I remembered from articles about her years ago.)

I don’t know what that means but I believe it! ;-)

I’m betting she’s a home-schooler Libertarian type.

“Shoe box food” is making me legit laugh out loud.

Everybody’s suddenly a Libertarian when they hear a good sob story.

Bedazzled KitchenAid mixers are for WINNERS.

I like and bought Solange’s cd. But my complaint is it’s all too slooooow. It’s suffers from FKA Twigs disease. And there’s too many songs.

Said it before and I’ll say it again: Manning deserves to be jailed. But not like this. This is torture. This is not right in any way.

I don’t like it because I KNOW it’s fake.

Wait on the house.