
I don’t like it because I KNOW it’s fake.

Wait on the house.

Huma and Hillary slash fan fiction?
Lemme get right on that.

The women can’t shade or even undermine because she’s ceded all control over her words, image, everything.

I don’t believe it. I don’t think she’s invested either way. She gets a set amount in her pre-nup and there’s a non-disclosure agreement in place. There is nothing for her to gain here by Trump not being President. Nothing. Not even the satisfaction of seeing him get disappointed because she’s going to have live

In my dream, Hilary was dressed as O-ren Ishii, yelled “Tear the bitch apart!” to the American voters, who then descended on Trump and did, actually, tear that bitch apart.

No, this is better, I think.

So National Geographic, in desperation to have viewers, is the animal version of “Cheaters”?

I never meant to suggest that was a good thing.

Probably threatened to sic Assange on her.

She couldn’t wait a few days?

Only lately. Like, within the past decade or two, depending on where were talking about.

The thing is, and this is my ultimate point, you ARE harming society if that society says so.

That’s nice. Run along and do it, now.

If you had a teenage child who had taken nude pictures of masturbating 6 year olds, and then distributed/sold them on the web, and you found out, what would you do?

“Silver was paid to give the presentation...Silver, 38, was open about supporting then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama’s White House bid in 2008 and has since described his personal politics as somewhere between liberal and libertarian.


“What did he take from you?” Werner asked.