If the bridge is down, you go to town!!
If the bridge is down, you go to town!!
Oh, gurl...flame wars? About two annoying pop stars? By a comment board full of thirtysomethings and other adults? Oh....no...
Of COURSE they should be together.
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It’s your relationship.
Seriously, she’s a bad bet for a partner.
They don’t have legal business permits for THAT, sweetie. Paying off officials to look the other way is NOT the same as the country of Mexico having legal bestiality shows.
No, it’s not selling sex.
Why? How much is he offering?
“When do I get a new son in law!?”
Being gay made it super easy for me to have an excuse for why I would never procreate.
Cush Jumbo is the black British version of Pilot Inspektor.
Except all the people on those dating apps like Tinder, know exactly what’s happening all the time.
Good. You finally learned something today.
“Trump is good for my interests and the interests of anyone strong, intelligent, and powerful!”
Next time...just hit the “dismiss” button.
Oh, well.
Fool, I’m not arguing with you.
“Drive an hour past the Mexican border and you can watch a woman blow a donkey for $20. You can’t do that in America.”