

Fuck her.

It takes actual tailoring and careful design to make that happen. And the profit margins are too narrow to make it worth it for a lot of designers.

There can be no single idea of “what plus-size women want” because their are so many different individuals who happen to be plus-sized.


Waaaaait....you expect consistency on a gossip blog?


The worst thing you can do to a writer is make them suddenly wake up and realize that the moment they accepted a salary from a corporation they had to play by that corporation’s counsel’s office rules.

It’s always been true, going back to the beginnings of this country and everyone knows it. THAT’S why it didn’t get greater coverage.


“Freedom of the press isn’t just an exemption from government persecution. It also keeps billionare vampires from using the government to silence media they don’t like.”

If I wanted to wear Prada, I’ll just go order from Prada.

I don’t disagree with either point.

As a way of getting things done? “The way things are” is something you HAVE to get used to if YOU are a minority opinion or group.

I refuse to engage in this dolphinist-apology making.

A-list means that a significant number of a combination of industry and average citizens recognize your name, want to work with/see more of you.

There is no such thing as a happy memoirist.

More like, “So long and thanks for all victims.”

Nasty murderous brutes with a strong taste for rape.