People who get caught in prostitution sweeps are put on the sexual offenders list. Even if they just pay a fine they still get put on the list.
People who get caught in prostitution sweeps are put on the sexual offenders list. Even if they just pay a fine they still get put on the list.
Murders who feel remorse are better at staying out of jail than con men. I have worked with some paroled murderers.
I loved Wishbone and I am generations out of its target audience.
And if the kid was almost five and you’re high on cocaine. No probs,right?
Black Like Me with an all white cast. Never mind Hollywood already did that one.
Those hippie kids better stay off his lawn,too;))))))))
Does she wear white pants to the murder scene? I could not suspend my disbelief at the white pants and heels at murder scenes in that show.
This kind of story is so much better than the “I’m so good I helped a smelly old man get cleaned up. I even helped him get home when I called a taxi on my phone. Aren’t I good. Aren’t I wonderful”
And the judges who routinely sentence rapist to six months or less prison time,they think “oh it’s not that bad.” They are just as guilty.
His son’s sister. Does that make it better for you?
All the stars to this comment.
Same here, but they fired her. I have not watched that local news program since.
You nailed it.
I think your cat learned how to type. shhhh.
I can't express my disappoint over losing Wilmore. No more Mike Yard either. To replace him with that terrible @midnight, UGH.
It is because of his drinking that I believe every one she says about him. Been there done that.
A little salt never hurt any food. Chickens, a bit more salt is your friend.
The military has different rules they have to follow. Douglas isn’t in the military so she doesn’t have to follow those rules. Citizens usually stand at attention for the national anthem. Hand over the heart during the anthem is a hot load of BS.
Except in Jeb!’s case his group is his family. I still almost feel bad for him/
Who the hell eats KFC with a knife and fork w/o gravy?