
I still found what she did problematic, and I can def understand why many other people did, but I agree with you too.

where have you been? i have been trying to say all these things (sadly not as articulately). wait, i used the word articulate and you're black. that's offensive! i'm offended! except i'm black too.... confused now.


There's a lot of moral posturing too. The internet allows everyone to be a moral saint, with no effort whatsoever.

"The amount of sexism, gender essentialism, and caveman logic within its pages is soappalling that it's difficult to believe that her book is anything but a cry for help."

They weren't folk heroes back when they were famous - they robbed a few banks, sure, but mostly hit up gas stations and mom and pop stores that were struggling enough as it was during the Depression, and left a trail of bodies along the way.

"Hey, let's treat each other like human beings" isn't unfair. It's just dull and uninformative. That's how you know it is wankery.

I don't really disagree with any of that, since it all just amounts to be nice to people and treat them equally — stuff everyone agrees with, but many struggle to do in their day-to-day lives. But any man who needs Jezebel or NY magazine to tell them how to be a man should throw himself off a cliff.

Listen, Burger King. The Whopper is good. The chicken sandwich? Not bad. Other items on your menu are of varying quality. But your fries? Always been heinous. Making them "lower fat and fewer calories" and your apparent need to dip them in batter(?) is unlikely to make them less heinous. You offer sweet potato

This looks terrible. Why does everything have to be sexy? It's so lazy. Didn't they learn anything from that awful sitcom that everyone was raving about years ago after friends went off the air? I can't remember the name because it was so god awful but it was a british export about a group of single friends that was

Your son has the writing style of a Nigerian e-mail scammer, and I mean that in the best possible way. Your kid sounds awesome.

Uggggh can we please stop romanticizing Bonnie and Clyde? They were vicious, petty murderers who were only propelled into the limelight because it was scandalous for an unmarried woman to be partaking in crimes with a gang of men. They killed 9 policemen and multiple civilians, all to rob gas stations and convenience

I know exactly what a strawman is and that was your second one.

I`m not telling you how you feel, I`m asking Ninja Cate why she can`t feel compassion for both and broke down the reasons why. I already know how Ninja Cate feels, and I took issue with her stance, and responded accordingly.

I`m not sure why you can`t have empathy for both the mother and her child, baby, fetus, etc. At month 8, if she miscarried tomorrow (I`m not saying due to weightlifting, go mom!), that baby would feel everything. If the baby survived that pregnancy but died an hour later, that baby would feel everything. Regardless of

He just went on Entertainment Tonight talking about how he's waiting tables now, thus prompting "Former Reality Star Now Waiting Tables" headlines. Paparazzi are scum and all, but no one has been following him until now and if he hadn't put himself back in the public eye with an interview no one would remember he

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I was so excited for this season premiere, and it did not disappoint. Seriously considering cable just to watch them. (That's a lie, but only kind-of.)

I understand your anger but I think you should look at what Mindy Burgor did- which was to see one thing 'OMG all the Morans are Menz' and address it in a ridiculous way 'If I can become a Moran I can fix this'. In the article she claims to have spoken to ONE Maasai woman who wasn't living in the community that she

BAM! Nicely done, Rarin Ole Sein.