
I'm disappointed that she did not slap the taste outta his mouth.

I particularly love how he seems to think acting this way is not being like everyone else. When I lived in Austin I swear half of the guys I spoke to thought they were being clever and original by pulling shit like this. I once had a guy actually come up, sit down next to me and say, "You know, I hate it when hot

Is this dude for real? I'mma dude and I'm taking aback when girls at the nicer bars walk up, talk to you for awhile, and say things like "aren't you going to buy me a drink?" I have too many female friends who use that ploy to drink for free all night so I usually say, "it's been really nice talking to you, here is my

reads like Bret Easton Ellis freebased Pixie Stix until he forgot how to speak English and then re-taught himself using 5 second clips from MTV's Tool Academy.

France right now:

I'm a Jew, but not a Zionist. I don't think that Israel should exist by right.

But that being said, media coverage is pretty biased, and there is a LOT that people don't take into account in the conflict. Like that both sides are fucking up.

Can we not snark on this poor woman? Full quote: "I don't even want to be upset about what happened to me because I met Cameron out of it. So I can't even look at it as anything bad anymore." Obviously she is dealing with a horrible situation in the most positive way possible for her. We don't know what she's actually

God, people are already being so cynical about this. If feeling like "everything happens for a reason" or whatever is what helps this woman lead a functional life after a terrifying trauma, if that really works for her, then I feel like we should all just shut up.

On the other hand, these outfits might catch on with today's yoots.

Oooh I hope that when she gets to the small town, she's a Big City Lady who is selfishly focused on Her Career but then she meets a man who teaches her about being Truly Happy.

You are my favorite.

LOL Please. I used the name "Dominic" for the same reason the OP did; because that's his name. We know his last name from the article, so from there we don't need to keep using it. You know you're reaching when....

SO my problem with this is that no one anywhere has taken the high road their entire life. It becomes even less likely if you happen to be frustrated. Given that there is literally no context for this (she could've said something really vile, or not, but she sounds like a psycho for leaking this honestly), I don't its

Right? I could see MAYBE for something finished that didn't sell, depending on the other contents of the trash, but... burnt and unfilled? Nothing's that good. I think they just want to be able to tell everyone they had one and leave the rest of the details out.

To echo others, getting married doesn't have to cost more than the courhouse visit.

Umm, what? Not all American women give a shit about weddings.

Impressive, if you really need all those clothes.

I watched Bitchin' Kitchen last night and she made a peanut butter pie with a pretzel base. Whipped cream in both the peanut and chocolate layer. Then Barefoot Contessa where she used an entire tub of butter in 'mac 'n' cheese'. I imagine this is what it feels like to watch a snuff film...

Except macarons are awesome. One or two and you're good. Stupid made up desert by hipster new yorkers? Not so much.