
Not to get racial, but a lot of these execs are coming from homes where drinking is normalised and then they go to college and enter mostly white frats and drink a bunch. I don't want to say that white people are all alcoholics, but it does seem like something that activists in the white community might want to focus

Thanks! I've been trying to think of a good avatar name for ages! x

Oh man. I have heard many criticisms of Obama in my day but "subsidizing his vagina harem" is new and exciting! I shall spread the word that this is a thing! I don't even know what it means but I want to! If I can get all my conservative friends to include the words "vagina harem" in an outraged status, will


I'm not misinformed. I'm saying Mary Koss's paper isn't the law.

No, it was a definition written in a paper 20 years ago. It was never the law.

While I don't disagree with you, I just thought I'd point out that people also use the term "stay-at-home mom" all the time. So there are stay-at-home moms and stay-at-home dads. Yet there are no "working dads".

Here's the thing about the NYT article: If the husband does more than just picking up the kids and coaching their soccer teams, he's not getting any credit for it. If he's not doing his share of the housework, he's not getting called out on it either. It was the choice of the NYT writer to focus solely on the

THIS! When my last mat leave ended, Mr.Grumpy stayed at home while I went back to work. So very, very many people lost their sh*t!! My mother bad mouthed him for 'sponging off' me. His own family bashed him for being 'lazy'. And, they didn't then talk about how great I was for supporting my family (thanks,

I don't think your argument is incorrect, but I also don't think it's the point of the article. There is a very small percentage of families where one parent is able to stay home all the time, and although it's true that "stay at home dad" is absolutely perpetuating gender roles, there's other stuff at stake here.

I honestly do not understand how we are where we are in 2013.

I don't know what you mean by a zero sum game. Most feminists seem to advocate for both men and women to have family life and achievements at work. Just because you care about achievements at work or take pride in what you do doesn't mean you don't love your kids or are some greedy "material wealth" obsessive. A lot

You aren't going all MRA and it shouldn't need to be stated. Sadly, Egalitarian views are often thrown in that direction for not towing an ideological line in either direction.

My mom told me she's not going to run for city council again and she's upset that she can't find a woman to run in her place. Why? Because there are too many stay at home dads. And she thinks it's weird, there's something wrong with those men, and why are those women married to those guys anyway? They're obviously

I agree with you, but maybe instead of thinking in terms of roles, we've been wrong. Maybe we should start thinking in terms of legacy, rather than quid pro quo. It seems like too often, when feminism turns parenting into a zero sum game, it misses out on the bigger picture. Yes, equal pay and recognition would be

just to add, i think reading this article from yesterday should help anyone not understanding your arguments in regards to "working dads."

You're right. Patriarchy screws us all over. And there are lots of articles about the "stay-at-home dad" thing and how it's stigmatized - less so than it used to be but still stigmatized. This article, however, isn't about that. This article is about when both parents work, but the woman is a "working mother" who does

Okay, "pussy comitatus" is hilarious. Sign me up.

I said this in another article but i"m going to brag some more. My husband is awesome. I'm a student and haven't found a job that would make full time day care worthwhile and I have never heard the "Well I work soooo" if the laundry basket is full he washes it. If one of our kids wants a story or needs to go to the

"...to deal with these dick-tators."