
Well shit. Gonna have to settle for mugging a c-list actress now, I guess.

Seriously. I'm not sure why Jez even posts this kind of stuff. People with untreated psychotic disorders have all kinds of bizarre ideas about how the world works; I'm not sure there's any reason to get angry about it since they are just symptoms of a disordered mind. It is futile to debate this guy or try to

Jiz! I always feel wrong for loving these re-cut overdubs, but I do.

Seriously, the NERVE of this woman. :-)

Hey now. I take feminism very seriously. Jezebel is not feminism.

Your posting history indicates that your shtick is calling other people stupid. Maybe you get off on it or have some deep-seated insecurity issues, whatever.

In all seriousness, I have tried for months to get my wife to agree to Boadicea.

Any mention of the Danceteria gets "Instant Club Hit" stuck in my head.

Fetch me The Royal Forever Lazy Garment!!!

As I've said in this comment thread at LEAST five times now, YES. WOMEN-ONLY HOURS ARE NECESSARY. I am not, have not, and WILL NOT EVER say they are not! They are! Men can be dicks! Society ENCOURAGES men to be dicks! It's a major problem and it needs to be fucking dealt with!

Why should he have to use a different gym just because this one has a discriminatory policy?



We've decided on arbitrary dates for terminating pregnancy. I realize these are legal definitions but I find it risible to suggest that the age of a fetus, still dependent on the woman carrying it term makes any difference.

People don't curl up on their couch with a box of tissues & sigh, "When will I ever get to take down a cache of Russian terrorists with a series of stunts & explosives that defy the laws of physics?" Even if those movies create a misunderstanding of procedure among the general public, they have no effect on how those