Zach Ertz When I Pee

I recently twisted me ankle while attempting to open the microwave. I had to reach across my body using my left hand as I had something in my right (which is the side the open button is) My feet were close together, so I had a small base to work from and the force of my left hand pushing the button against the

“So to me she’s just paying it forward.”

“White gravy is the devil’s semen.”

The other (more awesome) instance of cavitation that we should all be familiar with...

felt a bit of whimsical glee when my temporary dyslexia read “Scott Walker” (R-Wisconsin) rather than “Walter Scott”.

I feel like I’m just waking up to the tactic that gets you to the place this video leads us to. In business, it’s called “anchoring” where some dipshit tries to sell me his car or service and tells you the price is a gazillion dollars but, for me, he’ll meet me halfway.

“Until we hear about an outbreak of mass spooning incidents...”

Virgil Sollozzo?

Se7en: when the cop gets close to the outrageously emaciated and tortured skeleton tied to the bed, whispers in its dead ear, and it actually moves violently because it’s regrettably alive! ahhhhhh!

Just wrapped up a set against Hank Williams Jr on the courts down in Nashville. I pulled the same move on him. I call it the Bocephus Tennesseephus.

ummm...if JW wasn’t a football player shielded by a his University and a friendly / incompetent police force, he’d likely be a registered sex offender and not allowed within several hundred feet of a school. Before we ask if what he said was right or wrong, I’d ask what the hell he’s doing anywhere near children in


there is a typo in the headline.  you misspelled “flea flickah”

Make Hats Great Again!

I wouldn’t be so fast to -hand- it to him...

Oh it’s a thing. I can testesfy to the fact.

Punching bag on a stick + closed circuit camera + time = guaranteed home video of groin trauma.