
Where was I reading about pay transparancy earlier today?

Anne Hathaway’s brand of try-hard makes every awkward girl see her as a kindred spirit. She means so well, and just doesn’t understand why it isn’t working. Don’t we all, Anne, don’t we all.

Um...it runs deeper than that. The over-arching issue is that the type of white folks who do this are the ones who deny racism is a pervasive issue, enjoy elements of black culture, but despise black people in general. This is where the problem lies, which is why I said that “on it’s head, it’s not necessarily

It’s apparently why the the producers of Hairspray had to put in a condition that any theater group wanting to legally perform the musical cannot put kids in black face.

Is it wrong that I blame Hollywood/the media? Over the past few decades, we’ve had so, so, so many pieces of art (movies, books, TV shows) about shadowy governments who are constantly massacring and then manipulating the public. And it’s always up to the noble freedom fighters to show the public the truth! To expose

In other words, there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with changing your skin color for a costume (e.g. fantasy cosplay), it’s a very specific symbolism that raises issues, and until that collective memory fades, you’re going to be evoking a lot of painful responses from those around you.

OMG. Clover. Clover!!! Did you put me back in black? testing. 123 testing. ETA: Ha, the answer is no, not back in black [sad face]. Interestingly, when you comment on a picture, the comment gets black automatically.

Well maybe they wouldn’t arrest the first guy if he would stop stocking groceries for 2 MINUTES to talk to them and clear things up. And if his answers weren’t “I’m glad he’s dead” and “sure, I hated him. And I’ll tell you another thing, he had it coming!”