EightyTwo Stu

I’m just so disappointed that this article didn’t begin “Avril Lavigne isn’t dead--she’s born again.” It was RIGHT THERE! 

Thank god ICE is here to protect us from nerd artists.  They might have drawn a sword on someone.

Sigh. I wish my Crystal Chronicles disk wasn’t scratched to hell. It would be nice to play it again. Bonus points if I rounded up a bunch of GBAs and some cables and a few friends to enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed.

im going to frame this and hang it on my office wall

People waste times in lots of unique ways.

Cool. Now how about some cool custom Switches. You know, from the console that is selling off shelves and has most people talking about consoles again.

Wait, you could plug this thing to the 360?

Microsoft doesn’t care if you buy an Xbox and play there or buy it on PC (running Win10). That’s kind of where they’re going with iterative hardware. Don’t want to deal with a PC? Okay, here’s a family of “consoles” that play the games. Want to play on PC? Great, we’ll sell you just the software.

I agree. I’m still very curious to see how the upcoming book wraps that chapter in the series up, and also would love to get a Mass Effect trilogy remaster—on Switch.

Now playing

Track: Cherub Rock | Artist: The Smashing Pumpkins | Album: Siamese Dream

That screenshot you chose is gorgeous. What games is that? Thanks!

What’s the matter Heather, Kotaku got you pushing too many pencils?

A great example for the d-bags who like to say “Kotaku is just clickbait.” Good stuff.

That awesome moment someone on a video game blog is a better investigative journalist this half the media in the nation. Anyway, I believe he is lying(it’s obvious) but I don’t say that to be mean to him. I wonder what was his reason for doing something like this? It seems very strange. I hope this gets an update.

Now playing

Track: Hey Ya! | Artist: OutKast | Album: SpeakerBoxxx/The Love Below

So, my 10 year old son wanted to play Stardew Valley. As tradition, we always start a new game sitting together on the couch. I let him play and he asks me for help if he doesn’t understand something and we sort of fumble through it together. We started playing around 7pm. At 8:30pm, game goes off and he gets ready

I feel that the saturation of color distorts the artistic work of the game.