
You’re arguing a straw man. Even after repeated posts you have zero evidence of an argument on my behalf of some sort of obligation of leniency toward Robinson. Yet every argument you make to somehow deny that intent or motive is a reasonable factor in the consideration of an act and punishment for the offender, if

So you didn’t see American Pie? You’ve never treated yourself to the (now-dated) millennial “classic” high school “comedy” which takes up the mantra of coming-of-age sex antics—Porky’s for the millennial generation?

Let me give you an example so you can stop this nonsense about how intent doesn’t matter:

I didn’t know we were really having a serious discussion. I posted a sarcastic comment indicating my distaste for burning cities to the ground for not removing statues honoring Confederate figures and you referenced that it worked for Sherman.

I never said anything about good intentions. I said intention matters and detailed a difference between knowing willful maliciousness and the reality that things may be less than that.

Richard Sherman doesn’t sack cities. He doesn’t even sack quarterbacks much.

So it doesn’t matter if someone is knowingly and intentionally causing harm vs. being oblivious or otherwise deficient in their ability to recognize whether something is harming others, or the depth of that harm?

I haven’t known a single New Yorker who thought that Michael Rapaport’s accent was fake since he is from New York and some (white) New Yorkers talk like he does.

“Every city that still has one of these statues up should be given a year to remove them, and if they don’t those cities should be burned to the ground.”

As apologies from a public figure go, it looks pretty good to me, and it is absolutely not a non-apology apology as others have said. He literally says, “I’m sorry to anyone I ever made uncomfortable with my advances,” not “I’m sorry if anyone felt uncomfortable about things that I said,” or any of the other passive,

“Who cares whether their intention is to be creepy or not?”

HL2 is 13 years old now. I would guess you played it closer to now than 13 years ago?

The Red Sox are not going to win their protest. If the Yankees had scored they would have had a decent shot of winning, but with nothing resulting from Holliday’s misplay not being ruled interference (other than the pitcher being forced to face another batter), the protest is virtually unwinnable and pretty much

Yes, the HR Derby without Berman is infinitely better.

Replied here as I don’t know where to reply to support you in the good fight I saw you engage in down this sub-thread.

He was selected by the players, and they don’t vote on July 4.

Attendance was increasing every year until the recession hit and Yanks-Sox national telecasts were usually the highest-rated everywhere (excepting Cards-Cubs which would be slightly ahead in their respective home territories).


I like any sentence in which Chris Sale is referred to as a piece of shit.

So much misinformation in this sub-thread. It’s like no high-level users or farmers post here.