
Oh, FFS, this thread is full of children.

MLB had a deal with ESPN but I guess ESPN didn’t like the ratings it was getting. The deal ended after 2009.

“I know the young brother who’s in the movie, and he’s British. There are a lot of black British actors that work in this country. All the time. I tend to wonder what would that movie have been with an American brother who really understands that in a way.”

I get where Kaluuya’s coming from. He’s saying everywhere he goes people find some reason for him not to fit in, he’s always too this or not enough that. It’s not hard to imagine that Kaluuya might feel attacked if his role is used as a springboard by Jackson to criticize Hollywood’s casting tendencies.

I’d love to see a women’s baseball league with MLB’s support but it’ll never happen. The owners love everything about not having to bear the cost of developing players on their own and that means if ever they do like the NBA did with the WNBA, it’ll be with softball.

When these folks say, “you have to come here legally,” and, “go back to your own country,” I always think to myself, who gave the English, Spanish, French, Dutch, et al who came here and exploited and stole this land an invitation? How can an illegitimately founded country have legal immigrants?

Oh yeah, I see, yeah, interesting, mhm.

Excellent article.

Glad to see Cecilia has joined the PCMR team.

I said this game was over when the Pats failed to cut it to 14 at the half. But I said it as a sports fan who knows it’s never over. I decided to watch the third alone, washing dishes and cleaning up, as the tiny, impromptu Super Bowl party full of non-fans reduced itself to a party of one.

I’ve been doing Humble Bundle for years, and I know lots of people who have been doing them for years, and the idea that Humble Bundle is not what it used to be is prevalent.

I do enjoy how my post prompted you to go Full Retard.

I like how you pretend like you don’t know that a huge chunk—and an important chunk—of big games on PS4 or Xbone that aren’t ported to PC are exclusives.

It’s the number of logged-in users. At any given time more users are merely logged in and not playing than are playing.

Actually, the argument is that if the public could have managed to swallow a different, more accurate, more nuanced narrative about Clinton that neither anoints her as patron saint of SJW causes nor condemns her as murderer, anti-woman rape-accomplice, and career criminal; if it had a semblance of understanding of

The critical aspect of this test case is that MLB players are underpaid. None of the major sports leagues can so severely underpay players, nor are able to retain their services for such a long period before the player is a free agent, thus a test case for players in other leagues has little value.

I was in a choir and we had to lip-sync once or twice instead of actually singing because the audio setup wherever we were was completely inadequate.

This doesn’t show up on Steamed.

If you’re not going to watch because of this, then you weren’t really that interested.