E. Vogel

Eh, to each their own. Personally I find it a lot easier to interact with a 10“ screen that’s fixed to the dash than to fumble with the 5.5" screen on my phone, especially since I have yet to find a phone mount that’s both convenient and doesn’t dump my phone on the floor every time I hit a bump. This way the phone

Yeah, the ‘64 would have had, I think, a 50 hp engine? Really not good enough for modern highway travel. I had an ‘81 Westfalia with a 50 hp diesel and it was pretty awful.

I have yet to find an in-car phone mount that’s secure, easy to use, and doesn’t create other problems. The most convenient ones I’ve tried have been magnetic ones but they don’t work with heavy-duty cases and screw up the phone’s compass.

Yup. I used to be loyal to Hertz but I will no longer rent from them because I can’t risk this kind of thing happening to me.

Being a cop isn’t that dangerous an occupation. It’s not even in the top 10. You’re more likely to die if you’re a construction worker or a farmer than if you’re a cop. But only cops get to put the rest of us in danger to protect themselves.

Yeah, that too. My Honda’s on-board infotainment system doesn’t even have its own data modem; it piggybacks on my phone.

That might be one of the few RVs that’s actually more underpowered than this. ;)
I looked at one and liked it, but I totaled up how heavy it was and divided by the output of that 4-cylinder. Then I thought about the ordeal of getting it smogged every other year, and decided to look elsewhere. (The owner freely admitted

Just our of curiosity, what would be the advantage over a slide-in pickup camper?

The Type IV engine makes about 75 horsepower. It’s by far the best aircooled engine VW ever made, and has improved durability and cooling compared to the Type I. I won’t say it’s speedy, but I had a Westfalia with one and it would hold 60-65 mph all day. Top speed was somewhere around 80, although I’d expect a bit

Eh, these are people who call for civil war because they think they’re the only ones with guns, and are thus confident they’d win. Showing them they can expect pushback is the only way to avert real carnage later.

You don’t get it. I know the other side will do it, BECAUSE THEY DO IT CONSTANTLY AND ALWAYS GET AWAY WITH IT. I’m saying my side shouldn’t hold back from the same tactics, because that’s how you lose.

Do you know why people on the right feel so comfortable calling for civil war? It’s because they assume they’re the

It’s not theoretical. Look at Charlottesville. The cops tolerated violent right-wingers and even egged them on right up until someone got run over by a car. They got far less pushback than, say, a BLM protest does. Or look at Rittenhouse; he shot three people, killing two of them, and was allowed to just walk away

So if I rig a shotgun to shoot at anyone who pulls into my driveway, I shouldn’t be liable if it shoots some poor sap trying to make a three-point turn?

I mean, they’re dead whether they were stealing or not. Traps don’t discriminate.

Meanwhile the trucker convoys break the law with impunity because the cops are on their side.

It’s more that I know they’re not gonna stop, so why should we unilaterally disarm?

As a recent convert to CarPlay, being able to control my podcast player on the dash screen is really nice. So is having up-to-date maps without relying on manufacturer updates, and having my map app know my search history, contacts, etc.
I have yet to drive a Tesla but every other in-car nav system I’ve used was

Insurance will almost certainly pay for it.
This isn’t quite analogous, but a friend was once sued for medical expenses after an accident where they rear-ended an SUV. The driver of the SUV declined treatment at the scene, but a couple years later sued.
My friend’s insurance company handled the entire lawsuit. Their

Workman’s comp is fundamentally an insurance system. Employers pay in premiums, and in return workers’ injury claims are handled by the workman’s comp system instead of everyone having to sue everyone else. Most of the time it works out well for everyone involved; the injured worker doesn’t have to spend time and

No, this is why you have insurance. The whole idea is the insurance company is the one on the hook, unless you do something to invalidate the policy. It’s literally the service you pay premiums for.