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    @Wafflemao: In my opinion, Frank Castle would be more appropriate in this case.

    @jayntampa: Apparently, according to their site, they're already hit Fox.com.

    @FuktLogik: Read it again. I said "relatively".

    These bastards really crossed a line.

    @dracosummoner: Exactly. But shooters are all about aiming.

    @Nightshift Nurse: I know what you mean. Whenever I see someone online talk like that I immediately classify them as a member of the lower intelligence.


    @Dragonfang18: Um, have you ever played MK? Going "unscathed" is nigh impossible.

    @Demosthenes: The reason you're so knowledgeable on these matters is due to first hand experience, right? If so, then who are you to judge?

    @BUNGL3: To sum it up with a cliche term:

    @Slimjimlim: so, implicitly, Anonymous == /b/?

    but shorts ARE comfy and easy to wear....

    This is just...pathetic.

    On violence, yea.

    Be sure to listen to it with SkullCandy headphones!

    @Squishpoke: if you took that video and removed all the captions, most people will say that's a nice Minecraft texture pack. That's how much it resembles Minecraft.