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    Just wondering why there are so many posts with intentionally bad grammar..

    How many mushrooms did he eat before getting that big O_O

    Then, according to them, the corpse of the "terrorist" found at the scene was actually just a plant to divert blame, and the real culprits are the Russians!

    @Skydog: The "ideas" mentioned in the post were precisely gravity and relativity; those would be NOT be revolutionary if they were born in a time where someone already explained them first. They would, like you said, pursue some other way of revolutionary thinking, and would come up with different ideas, like you

    @Koztah: Future Shop/Best Buy: you called?

    @TheLolotov: Just Google it...on second thought, maybe you shouldn't...

    @SarahDot: To your mom, who lost a furnace that she can buy anywhere as long as she has the money, finds it more important than these video games owned by a guy she doesn't know.

    @SarahDot: "Who gives a shit about some video games?"

    @Maverick Moore: I feel like if this is a gaming site to talk about gaming news, this comment is a real dick move.

    Elementary, my dear Watson.

    be ne ne ne ne ne ne ne!

    I didn't see the actual play before now, so I was expecting the guy to be jumping on people's heads to get the touchdown.

    @Clancycoop: right-o! Time to upload and show your brilliant, requires-no-talent works for us then!

    The link in the post titled "PS3 and PS3 Move Assault Rifle Controller" is empty (broken), with no URL.

    The good doctors' games really saved my life!

    @ieatbabies: Unless you yourself have met these kinds of people who use their doctorates as a "leeway", as you call it, for their unrelated lines of work, you have no right to say how they think.