That poster beside the Hyrule map is a video game rendition of the Star Wars poster, no? It seemed familiar.
That poster beside the Hyrule map is a video game rendition of the Star Wars poster, no? It seemed familiar.
@Dannygeist:Only to the winners. To the losers, would they think "We were the bad guys, so we deserved to lose"?
@NeVeRMoRe666: alien ninjas from outer space :/
It's quite funny when he stutters and stumbles in the middle of a tirade. Not very creative, either.
@hazelnut1112: Don't forget Ip Man 2
@hazelnut1112: Only SUCCESSFUL ninjas, if you please.
@Stem_Sell: Shockingly brilliant, sir.
Bloodly hell...literally.
So..what would happen if one were to trip from the top of the amphitheater?
Anyone think his head is lopsided?
iPhones are what made the homless homeless in the first place.
@Jesse Scroggins: pockets don't allow you to look at it while riding, though, do they?
@trs: Cellphones.
@Googlo: he needs a haircut. A trim, at the very least.
@dracosummoner: Oh gosh, those eyes! Those terrible, terrible eyes!
@mrpibb79: From the pic, it appears that there WAS a new kid in town...
obligatory om nom nom