@LucasReis - LOCK2K: Get gimp'd
@LucasReis - LOCK2K: Get gimp'd
@Shinta: I love them Busts and Ass
@blehbleh13: Just...wow.
I doubt he'd have any happy anniversaries after this.
Oh my.
@evoCS-Hench-Minion to the stars: I know right? I even gave her my bottle of beer! Still no nuggets...
And panda-monium ensued.
@Roth: As does Guts
@CrazySuperFellow: needless to say, he was sacked by his new boss.
@Xagest: time to get the peas and poke her face!
@ArmyofJuan: digital just doesn't produce that feeling of having the box and disk in your hands
@D-K: it's a triange, so you can look at it multiple ways to make it right side up.
@Wiss: Blood for the Blood God!
@Dan2593: they've already added immortality, so if you're gonna be around for awhile, might as well look good while you're at it.
Here, kitty kitty! Here, kitt—ARGHH
@Anonymoose: SeaKettle: Otaku Edition.
@drmrw: Pop! Goes the weasel~
@Yoshinari-san: hey, it's my neighor, Toto—-ARGHHH