
I am happy to provide you with a logical argument and no name calling and I hope you will respond in kind.

Correction: John Krasinski Lip Synching I'll Make Love To You Will Make You Drop An Egg.

I hope they're learning good joint lock techniques. Nothing says "don't grab people" like your grab being turned into an agonizing, joint crunching chin na. Plus it doesn't generally leave marks!

I'm a 23, a virgin, and a christian. I've never been ashamed or quiet about the fact that I'm a virgin because I love myself and I'm not ashamed of choosing to do something on my terms. In the past, some of my love interest have been "excited" that I am a virgin, but are not a virgin themselves. It doesn't matter to

You so funny.

Among animals there are many different modes and rituals for mating. Some animals are mostly or entirely monogamous, like urban coyotes and foxes. Some (chimpanzees and bears I think are like this unless I'm mistaken) the females mate with all possible males so that the paternity can't be known for certain since the

There's some kind of gene about dudes yelling shit at people on the street if they don't have to face retribution, period. As a pedestrian, I deal with this constantly, almost always from moving cars. I think one of the biggest reasons I don't get catcalled as a woman would because they would have to face the very

I keep reading your name as "NubbinWarrior," which can now be confirmed based on your comments in this thread.

I like to counter that metaphor with this gem:

First, you said "every" guy and "every" girl wants a certain thing. Fucking stupid thing #1.

You do realize that in long-ago-times women had sex with lots of men so that the men wouldn't know which one was the father and ALL of the men would protect/care for her children? Right?

Here's a very specific judgment, just about you: You're a fucking idiot.

I ate the licked cupcake! The presenter literally didn't know what to do. She asked me why I would eat that cupcake. I said i didn't think she seemed all that dirty, since the school had invited her to speak. She countered with 'how do you know i'm not lying'. Naturally, I said "Good point. I guess I'll not listen

... plus the fact that we've cast off so much of our evolutionary tendencies that to leave a few choice ones behind seems weird.
okay, we understand that you can't just kill people to take what you want. got it. but when it comes to checking your emotions so you don't degrade other humans into the ground based on

Geri Halliwell, I always did think you were the coolest Spice Girl. Now I've got proof.

Or they could just run the company into the ground, rob the pension to line their own pockets, and skip town to plunder again in a brand new executive job. While there are some good CEOs out there who do well by their companies, right now corporate culture favors the leeches, encouraging the complete destruction of

Oooh lord, I hope there's no teenagers following me on Twitter. I WILL NOT BUY YOU BEER OR CIGARETTES OK?

You are wise, and this is a wise recommendation. If Aziz Ansari and Retta were given their own spinoff show (working title: "Treat yo' Self") it would be my new favorite jam, period.

I don't care for celebrity stories about giving birth, most of them just say that it was a magical experience and imply that a woman is less of a woman for not going through it, or they say it was effortless (Giselle B), or they talk about it in a way that demands sympathy, as if they were the only person in the world

There is literally no way for me to remain in a bad mood when I watch that ridiculous Zac Efron video. I bet if I saw it in February 2010 I wouldn't have been hospitalized for a suicide attempt.*