
Wouldn't it be funny if, like, 5 dudes raped @avclub-9c3508e704aa16945cf79b05af57848c:disqus right now?

I think your avatar knows a thing or two about third-degree buns

I think your avatar knows a thing or two about third-degree buns

Gentle Herpes!! They finally got you!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Gentle Herpes!! They finally got you!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

We could, but where's the grilled cheese?

We could, but where's the grilled cheese?

Woah… is that a Great Schism reference?

Woah… is that a Great Schism reference?

Welcome to the Jungle?

Welcome to the Jungle?

I make unusually good use of a restroom on a daily basis…

I make unusually good use of a restroom on a daily basis…

I hear the 3D makes the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg pop out right at you!

I hear the 3D makes the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg pop out right at you!

More like a carnal prostitute.

More like a carnal prostitute.



I'm usually a firm believer in not skipping tracks, so I did keep "The Baby Song" on my iPod, but I left off the half-hour noise collage at the end of the Flaming Lips' Hit to Death In The Future Head.