eric holder

Protip: Get a real estate agent to do the work for you.

I too am embarrassed that I don’t have a Ferrari F40. Can I have $750k to alleviate the situation?

Pretty much all of them that only require one pilot

What does this have to do with a Focus owning fuckwit?

Side note... if ANYONE ever hands you a Vegimite sandwich.... that person is NOT your friend.

Ice cold water, being inverted, and an emergency scenario that was probably not briefed ahead of time despite the standard passenger briefing and it would be very difficult for a sightseer to get themselves to safety in that scenario. 

Or they did but like 99% of all passengers they didn’t listen since they had their mind on other things and figured it would never happen

It’s unlikely that the crash/landing killed them. Between 36 degree water, and harnesses they aren’t familiar with, this is a nightmare scenario. The only person familiar with the harnesses made it out.

Wow, the most shocking thing about that video is that that’s exactly the sort of landing that a someone like myself, who knows absolutely nothing about helicopters, would imagine to be survivable.

That’s sad. Especially seeing how it wasn’t that hard of a landing and people should have lived, not died. They probably panicked and didn’t unbuckle. Sucks. They should’ve gotten briefed before the flight on where and how to exit in emergencies. I’m gonna guess they probably didn’t.

As someone who has been through helicopter underwater escape training multiple times, and is sick and twisted enough to actually enjoy it, I’m a bit confused by the “trapped by harness”/”knife to slice through harness” comments. Do these helicopters fly over water with harnesses that are not the twist-lock type?

Alex, you have a lot of people throwing their 2 cents into the storm. Any professional pilot or investigator will tell you what you hear from the “experts” and “professionals” in the first 48-96 hours is a little known thing called “opinion” which is known by some “professionals” as “bullshit”.

Yep, it didn’t hit hard. Doubtful there was any serious injury before rolling over.

I read that it was an open-door flight, and all the occupants had harnesses on. Chances are they drown because they could not get out of them.

Agree. A no-power landing; it looked as smooth as I would expect.

I stopped by a local Kia dealer on a lunch break last week, asking if they were expecting to have any Stingers available for test drives.

How pregnant was your wife though? That’s really the important part of this story.

What Kia really needs to complement their new halo vehicle is an upscale concierge service that includes:

But, I WANT a free new car with my Stinger, $5000 over bluebook for my trade, the dealer to pay off my car no matter how much I owe, free tires for life, and a pony!