eric holder

stop wearing such tight pants chachi!

One might posit the main issue here is the tight pants...

There is no rational basis for speeding tickets (including automated ones) other than local revenue and the corrupt insurance industry.

if it’s even an automatic

military vehicles don’t have to comply with federal safety standards

Yeah my inner 1SG was screaming “CHOCK BLOCKS & DRIP PANS.”

They come equipped with wheel chocks, and when I was in the Army it was regulation that they be used, every time. Someone’s gonna lose a stripe.


I am firmly of the mind that America’s blighted Third World sections benefit immensely from gentrification, but this seems to be a minority (ironic pun intended) viewpoint among my fellow liberals.

It’s not the property values, it’s the insanely high taxes on, said property. Detroit taxation is so backwards, there is literally no incentive to move into the city limits.

Listen man- Who are you to tell a wealthy, white teenage gender studies major about black folks? They’re the experts.

Obviously the houses are old and probably dilapidated, and the community has nothing to offer... but the “bones” of those places look beautiful.

Wouldn’t those taxes just become a lein against the previous owner though?

That’t the great thing about being a progressive isn’t it... too little investment in a community or too much... there is always some thing to bitch about and claim victim status over.

It’s not a paucity of grocers or high housing prices keeping hipsters out of Detroit. It’s that whole pesky employment thing.

In all honesty I don’t know how they could get any lower. But that said, try finding a real grocery store within a 5 mile radius.

Kid Rock is a tool. (that has been more successful than you will ever be)

Man. So what you’re saying is instead of working for his Dad, he went out and made himself rich and famous by working hard in a totally different industry??

Well, that’s it. Detroit has one of the largest-spread residential acreage in the country (it’s huge, really, and almost perfectly flat) — and it was sparse to begin with. Empty lot after empty/abandoned lot.

It is a railroad gate, not a concrete wall of indeterminable thickness.