eric holder

Have you driven 15+ hours straight? Kinda the same deal only more intense because you are the pilot/copilot/passenger. Nothing you wear is going to make you feel better about your journey... It’s not the Queen Mary where you can retire to your cabin.

Or, maybe, don’t drive like a maniac on public roads?

Hardly. Most of the time it truly is random. I’ve seen more white people get SSSS than anyone.

My mother has been a constant ‘Selectee’ since as long as I can remember. She is about as radical and scary as a cheese cake. So unless you know a lot of pension aged, service driven, God fearing, former school teachers named Mohammed stuff that racist shit back up your ass and choke on it. It ain’t funny ‘Bill’.

SSSS also happens to a great number of “non-ethnic” passengers, as well. Also, strip searches are not involved. Unless you ask nicely.

No. Not at all. No system intentionally makes you lose control of a car.

Dude, they made a documentary about this.

What an odd looking Mustang.

Bull. Not even a tiny percent true. Frivolous libel suits against news media over car crashes are virtually nonexistent; Every attorney knows better.

Seriously, all the bus drivers I had when I was a kid were like this:

I dare you to leave a car parked without anyone behind the wheel and have it rush a crowd of people

Minor edit, but this “the driver’s Porsche lost control”

Old people dressed as....older people

That’s why you negotiate out-the-door prices. “I’m offering you $32,500 for this car, total. How you line-item your doc fees and reconditioning fees is up to you, but that’s the total amount of money I’m offering, and no more.” If it’s a reasonable number, that always works for me. And yes, sometimes asking price for

Except for the part where you don’t know the true cost until your in the dealer negotiating. Personally, if the $32,500 price tag gets me in the door and then suddenly it jumps up $5,000 for basically no reason at all i’m getting up and walking out pissed off for having my time wasted.

Yes, but naturally these fees don’t show up until fairly late in the negotiation process.

If you don’t smoke 5 at a time, you’re not doing it right. Just ask Whitney and Bobby.

no tire kickers, you’ll destroy what’s left


If you have enough $$$$ never