eric holder

It’s a security camera, watch it properly

Thats my thought too.

The fact that this woman is in critical condition — rather than deceased — shows how safe cars are these days.

Looking at that car, there is no explanation for the occupants not walking away with minor lacerations and some sore muscles other than not being belted in.

The worst? You don’t spend much time browsing liveleak, I guess.

yes I admire his will to finish and respect what he did, my comment was more directed at the headline claiming this is better than actually winning the race.

Would’ve been way cooler if he did this and came first, but it’s admirable that he didn’t just quit and chose to follow through. (Just one of your millennials/genZers)

I don’t disagree, you make a great point.

Oh come on, Millennials in general feel entitled. Even if you don’t, you have to know that a lot do.

It all goes back to “as long as you try your best it’s good enough” Well that doesn’t work in the real world and a lot of millennials blame everything and everyone but themselves for their failures. I don’t know you or anything about you. This isn’t a personal attack on you but something about it rang true and made

Sorry I hurt your feelings. Here’s your trophy.

Another thing foreign to millennials is Personal responsibility. It’s funny how millennials blame literally everyone else for their failure to thrive. Here’s your trophy, you tried really hard, good job buddy. :)

But he never said best way to finish, just the best that racing has to offer. And I agree. If you are physically able to finish, you damn well better finish, because anything else is inexcusable.

Not in the millennial fantasy world of participation trophies and “Giving it your best shot” Winning means nothing as long as you really tried hard.

I aspire to retire like these fine gentlemen.

Kinda expected their names to be Thelma and Louise

8300 feet and they were only doing 100?

I always said I want to go out peaceful, in my sleep, just like Grandpa rather than screaming in terror like his passengers.

It’s fairly common on aircraft carriers to have a cliff at the end of the runway...

Tesla gave us the latest example of this worrisome trend over the weekend, when it turned off the Automatic Emergency Braking feature on all new Tesla vehicles built since production on the Model 3.