What exactly is greedy about protecting your livelihood by storing 40 cars in a garage capable of holding hundreds?
What exactly is greedy about protecting your livelihood by storing 40 cars in a garage capable of holding hundreds?
Are you kidding me? It was just 40 cars in a giant parking garage. Why do people have a problem with this? The car dealer is probably a Florida resident too and his dealership is probably his livelihood so why doesn’t he have the right to protect his business. Why should 1 person have to lose 40…
We tried to GIVE away a matress, people kept asking what was wrong with it, can you deliver it, why are you giving it away....so we pulled that listing and listed it for $20. First person who called gave us $20 and carried it away. CL is useful but can be weird.
Someone stole a lawn maintenance trailer
It chaps my ass when people refer to semiautomatic only rifles as “assault rifles”! Also when they think the “AR” in “AR15" or “AR10" stands for Assault Rifle. It’s Armalite rifle, named after the brand that invented them.
Note: an SKS is not an “assault rifle”, but it is worth a few bucks and fun to shoot :-D
one “guy” who insisted on making payments on one Helix I was selling. He said quite adamantly that it was EXACTLY the same as cash...
You can see him trying to hold his pants up with his left hand as he runs. No wonder he was so much slower than the cops that overtook him.
That will happen right after women are required to register for the draft.
only vaguely related to the story... but my daughter had a bunch of boys sniggering at her the other day for picking up tampons... being 15 that obviously upset her somewhat...
Average cost for each nonfatal disabling injury:$61,600.Average cost for each property damage crash (includes non-disabling injuries): $7,500.WANNA SAVE BIG BUCKS ON CAR INSURANCE? Pay cash for your car. That is about a 50% savings. Wanna save even more? Drop liability to minimum limits. Then take the risk yourself.
You said the news covered it and now are back tracking.
That’s what reinsurance is for.
That’s actually what reinsurance is for. Yes, insurance comes buy their own* insurance policies.
Well use some of the money that your insurance company has been overcharging me for years.
Now I’m picturing that car merrily floating out into the Gulf, ensconced in its little pool floatie ...
I promise to comply with all crewmember instructions.
I don’t think Steve Harvey is friends with Bill Clinton though.