eric holder

He sure wanted to, but couldn’t. And, I don’t know where racists like you get this “starting race wars” BS, but it is interesting to see what your twisted minds come up with. And he definitely “gave” “them” more handouts, and increased “their” level of unemployment - truly “changing the country as we know it!”

Exactly what I think of gun-grabbers.

Homosexual people CAN’T have kids!! And blacks, at least in the US , ARE responsible for the vast majority of violent crime, despite being a fairly small minority of the popolation.

Not unless they’re angry libs (but I repeat myself).

You better not, though - they used to give a discount to NRA members...

NRA doesn’t sell guns, and never has.

That’s not true at all.

dims - esp. oblamer - are the BEST gun salesmen in the country. MANY tens of millions more guns were purchased during his reign. I wouldn’t be surprised if the various gun manufacturers contribute heavily to dim campaigns....

A weapon has never slaughtered anyone.

The only problem with that is what you think “common-sense restrictions” means - “gun ban!”

Trump is not the only or first person to suggest that - it’s an old concept that libs seem to resist almost as hard as they resist institutionalization of insane people.

Do you think that someone, who would premeditate and commit mass murder, would care if a gun of a certain appearance was illegal?

Shop elsewhere.

Yes - that “subtext” always includes screaming, “RAYCIST!!”

So, nobody wanted it in that color. Why does that make it more “valuable?”

All C5 Z06s are FRC.

Until ten or fifteen years ago, people’s SSNs were thrown about willy-nilly, everywhere, in the open. Even today, they are requested fairly routinely at places one does business, even though the SSN number, by original legislation, is NOT to be used as an ID number. Of course, it has become a de facto national ID, as

Sued, or just disproven?

People can SAY anything. It happens all the time. Actions are a little different.
